Many keen gardeners will be spending these quieter months preparing for the year ahead. Whether your focus is choosing which seeds to sow in the spring, refreshing pots and containers, or pencilling in key horticultural events such as Britain in Bloom 2025 or the RHS flower shows, today’s groundwork will pay off in marvellous blooms before we know it.
If you’d like some new year reading, Amberol is currently offering free guides on request. They contain tips on how to excel at Britain in Bloom, container gardening ideas, and guidance on how to keep Britain’s spaces flourishing all year round. It’s our way of saying thank you to customers and helping communities make a visible difference to their local areas.
Amberol’s guides have been available for free on request. However, stocks are now running low so if you haven’t applied for one of our free booklets, now could be your last chance.
Contact Amberol and request the guide of your choice (or all three!) and include your mailing details via:
How to excel at Britain in Bloom
This guide contains 50 top tips to help new and seasoned entrants succeed in the annual Britain in Bloom competition.
You will find practical guidance to prepare for your entry, such as planning and securing media coverage, horticultural achievement, and involving the community.
The guide also looks in detail at the judging criteria – however, be sure to check the latest guidance to keep up to date on the judges’ mark scheme.
All in all, well worth a read even if it is just a useful checklist or reminder.
The Amberol guide to container gardening
Filled to the brim with creative ideas about which crops, flowers, and foliage are best suited to container planters, this guide is essential reading if you are new to gardening or simply looking for some inspiration.
The booklet contains advice on how to get started and looks at the pros and cons of different kinds of planters, as well as how to mitigate common issues such as waterlogging, and water conservation (hint: try Amberol’s self-watering planters!).
Top tips for securing sponsorship for planters and bins
Keeping Britain blooming, clean, and tidy is an investment. Even when volunteers are involved, community gardening projects require materials, equipment, and regular maintenance – all of which costs money.
Drawing on a wealth of experience, this guide offers a range of tips for attracting sponsorship from commercial organisations - with real life examples and advice from Amberol customers.
If you would like a free copy of any or all of these guides while stocks last, just email specifying your choice and including your mailing details, contact us via the website, or call 01773 830 930.