We are aware that some customers are experiencing waterlogging with their planters and would like to ensure you that we are taking this very seriously.
Throughout 2024, we have carried out several site visits to affected planters and run trials with nurseries, whereby we have intentionally mistreated the planters during these trials, in every possible way, to try to find solutions for the waterlogging, our results have established that the waterlogging is due to customers moving to peat free compost.
Our business development manager, Tim Troman, has attended seminars where panels of experts, with years of horticultural experience, have discussed the differences, both positive and negative, with peat free compost and due to this we understand that there are various types of peat free compost available. One of the negative aspects that has arisen is that peat free compost has additional nutrients added to it, that would naturally occur in peat, these nutrients can wash through the compost lying heavily like sediment at the base of a planter and block the dispersal matting.
We are aware that some customers have restricted compost choice, due to their suppliers, and with this in mind we wanted to find a solution that works for everyone, and we are pleased to confirm that, with minimal adjustments, the waterlogging can be prevented.
Initially you will need to empty your planter and establish if the dispersal matting and wicks require cleaning or replacing. This will either be due to the age of the matting or, in some cases, the peat free compost has sat so heavily on the matting it has penetrated and damaged it.
You will then need to drill two extra 20mm holes in the inside of the planter just above the matting level. This will allow for excess water to leave the body of the planter preventing the compost from becoming too condensed to allow the water to move through it.
With these adjustments, the use of a good open medium compost, not soil, and regular cleaning and replacing of the matting, we suggest the matting is replaced every 4-5 years subject to use and maintenance, we are confident these processes will rectify the problems you are experiencing however please contact us if you would like further information or are still experiencing issues.
DOWNLOAD THE GUIDE HERE: A4 Fix Water Logging 2024
Call 01773 830 930 or email sales@amberol.co.uk