WhoshouldIsee Tracks
‘making a visible difference’

Grant funding available for communities looking to make a positive change to their local environment

Grant funding available for communities looking to make a positive change to their local environment

The summer months are a time to appreciate the beauty of our local areas – gardens in bloom, high streets dotted with flowers in hanging baskets, busy bees harvesting nectar. Often, it’s community groups and charities such as Britain in Bloom or members of the RHS It’s Your Neighbourhood scheme who are the backbone to our surrounds looking so lovely all year round.

If you are part of a community group or charity and are looking ahead to your next community gardening project, take a look at the following grants to see if you’re eligible:

Bupa Foundation Green Community Grants

Deadline: 30th June 2024

Schools and community groups can apply for up to £2,000 to improve their local green spaces.

What projects can be funded?

The Bupa Foundation want to fund practical projects which benefit both people and planet health. Priority will be given to projects that:

  • Improve or create new green spaces
  • Benefit and involve the local community
  • Are located in disadvantaged areas (high Indices of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) scores for the postcode, or a school with a significant proportion of children benefitting from free school meals)

Examples of green projects could include:

  • Improving a local community garden for community use and recreational activities
  • Volunteer-led tree or flower planting to improve air quality and biodiversity
  • Creating an outdoor classroom or ‘forest school’ on school grounds
  • Creating a community food growing space

Find out more: https://www.groundwork.org.uk/...

Co-op Local Community Fund

Deadline: midnight on 7th July 2024

The Co-op Local Community Fund will fund projects that support this year’s themes of:

  • People - for projects that enable people to play a part in their community’s future
  • Planet - for projects that help to protect the planet

You can apply if you're a not-for-profit group that needs funding to deliver a specific project that benefits your local community.

£6,000 is available in every community and the funding will be shared between three local causes. The amount your project receives will be based on the number of Co-op members that choose your cause. Every cause will receive a minimum of £1,000.

If your funding application is successful, you will work in partnership with the Co-op for 12 months and your cause will receive funding in November 2025.

Find out more: https://causes.coop.co.uk/?utm...

FCC Community Action Fund

Deadline: 4th September 2024

Registered charities, churches, Parish Councils, L

ocal Authorities and CASC registered sports clubs can apply for grants of between £2,000 and £100,000 for the provision, maintenance or improvement of community facilities.

This can include:

  • Village Halls and Community Centres;
  • Public Play Areas;
  • Publicly available Multi use games areas;
  • Skate parks and BMX tracks;
  • Sport and recreation grounds including pavilions and clubhouses with full public access;
  • Churches – community spaces only;
  • Nature Reserves;
  • Public gardens, parks, country parks and woodlands with at least dawn to dusk access;
  • Museums.

Find out more: https://fcccommunitiesfoundation.org.uk/funds/fcc-community-action-fund

Amberol can support your gardening project

Amberol products have long formed an important part of many community projects, ticking the boxes of sustainability by using recycled or recyclable materials in our self-watering planters, litter bins and benches and picnic tables. Our self-watering planters also help conserve water and reduce maintenance demands.

Call 01773 830 930 or email sales@amberol.co.uk for more information on Amberol’s products.