Litter is a frustrating and expensive issue that blights many of our public spaces. As manufacturers of litter bins for both indoor and outdoor spaces, we are always interested to hear about schemes to tackle litter within public places. Two...
As Christmas comes ever closer, we would like to send our very best wishes for a happy, healthy festive season to all our customers, suppliers, staff and friends. The last few years have been particularly challenging for all of us...
At Amberol we are great believers in educating and encouraging the next generation to discover the rewards of horticulture. Many schools across the UK use our self-watering planters as a way of introducing their students to creating school gardens in...
The winter months bring uncertain weather across the UK – from welcome December sunshine to torrential rain and bone-chilling days of snow and ice. One of the trickiest challenges that local authorities face during the colder months is keeping roads...
One of Amberol’s key aims is to help people make a positive visible difference to their environment, so we were interested to hear about a great green initiative that was introduced in 2021 to mark the late Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
At Amberol we believe that plants and flowers do much to enhance our lives and wellbeing. Not only do they bring a sense of beauty and colour to a location, but the act of growing something green can also be...