WhoshouldIsee Tracks
‘making a visible difference’
Britain in Bloom - preparing for 2016

Britain in Bloom - preparing for 2016

​As the New Year approaches, councils, parks departments, community groups and Britain in Bloom groups will be turning their thoughts to Britain in Bloom 2016 and putting together ideas for their entry.

Choosing a container that's fit for purpose

Choosing a container that's fit for purpose

Obviously we are big supporters of container gardening. Containers offer versatility, mobility, convenience and flexibility - and they work beautifully when combined with flower beds in a whole range of public spaces, from car parks to town centres. We have...

Tackling a sticky problem

Tackling a sticky problem

Chewing gum. For something so small, it does a lot of damage to the streets of the UK. In fact, it costs local authorities an estimated £2 to remove each piece of gum. Which is why we have included a...

Celebrating all Britain in Bloomers at national awards

Celebrating all Britain in Bloomers at national awards

The eagerly anticipated climax of the RHS Britain in Bloom annual competition took place in Sunderland recently with the national awards ceremony at the Rainton Meadows Arena. The event was attended by hundreds of dedicated In Bloomers from all across...

Rolling out the barrel at Britain in Bloom

Rolling out the barrel at Britain in Bloom

​We are always delighted to see Amberol’s self-watering containers brightening up the streets of Britain and couldn’t resists sharing this fabulous photo sent in to us from Norwich in Bloom featuring long time volunteers Reg and Jo Chiddick.

Bin it for Good cuts litter on the streets of Birmingham

Bin it for Good cuts litter on the streets of Birmingham

A litter campaign reported on our news pages recently has been making headlines by significantly reducing the amount of rubbish dropped on the streets at the same time as raising money for a local charity.

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