WhoshouldIsee Tracks
‘making a visible difference’
Flower power on the high street

Flower power on the high street

Patience Atkinson-Gregory explains how local authorities use floral displays to boost the local economy.

Get your free Amberol guide to container gardening

Get your free Amberol guide to container gardening

Amberol’s free guide to container gardening is now available. Suitable for schools, Britain in Bloom groups, community gardening groups – in fact, anyone who is interested in using self-watering containers to make their surroundings look more attractive.

Container tips – preparing planters for cold weather

Container tips – preparing planters for cold weather

Containers offer flexibility, control and mobility, making it easier to grow a wide variety of plants of all sizes anywhere. As the colder weather sets in, it’s important to prepare your containers for the winter.

Dealing with 122 tonnes of cigarette litter

Dealing with 122 tonnes of cigarette litter

Cigarette ends may be small, but they are one of the most commonly dropped items of litter. In fact, an estimated 122 tonnes of cigarette butts, matchsticks and cigarette related litter is dropped every single day in the UK.

Flower power - Campus Estate Management Article

Flower power - Campus Estate Management Article

Patience Atkinson-Gregory, MD of horticultural supplier Amberol explains how to make the most of containers on your site.

First place
In the factory
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